Our mission is to empower individuals in navigating workplace challenges, fostering fulfilling careers, and unlocking their full potential. Through expert advisory services, we guide our clients in making informed career decisions, addressing HR concerns, and achieving their professional goals.

Whether it's career development, workplace navigation, or unlocking hidden potentials, Advisory Avenue is dedicated to offering personalized consultations that make a meaningful impact on individual career journeys.


Founded by MJ Jacques, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in human resources, Advisory Avenue was born out of a passion for reshaping the way professionals are treated in the workplace. Having witnessed firsthand the challenges and struggles that employees face, MJ Jacques envisioned a company that stands firmly on the side of professionals, offering a sanctuary of expert HR advice and support.


How should I prepare for the session?

The session can be used however you feel best. It can be via video or phone. You can prepare to talk about your concerns as best as possible. The more details, the better!

Can't I just use my HR team at my company for free?

Yes, you definitely can. We provide the same expertise, with no connection to your company or manager in order to feel safe enough to ask tough questions and receive unbiased advice.

Will I get my problem resolved in one call?

Some concerns are easier to advise than others. While we do not claim to have the "end all be all" of answers, we will always provide advice and any follow-ups if necessary.